Dragon Ball Super is a thrilling Japanese anime TV series that started airing on July 5, 2015. The anime series is produced by Toei Animation, and its outline is prepared by Akira Toriyama, the inventor of Dragon Ball franchise, while every other episode is a written by different screenwriters.
After defeating Majin Buu and restoring peace on earth for the second time, dragon ball super tries to follow the adventure of the protagonist GOKU. Goku adventures start for more powerful, and this helps him to attain the power of a god. He strives to defend the earth against the powerful destructive divinities and goes to the various universe to challenge other powerful opponents and all the unstoppable foes while gaining knowledge on the newly acquired powers under the gods of the earth.
Besides his major role as the creator of the series, Akira Toriyama is also acknowledged for the original story and character design ideas used in the new anime that was directed by Kimitoshi Chioka. Akira expounded about his involvement with the “Future Trunks arc,” pointing out that he managed to create the story with the help of suggestions from the editorial department. He also says that his primary duty has been writing the overall plot outline, which the scriptwriters use to compile and expand the content of the story into single episodes.
The screenwriters have been making changes and addition as they strive their best to make the history more fascinating. Apart from the characters created by Akira, other characters used in Universe Survival arc” were created by Toyotarou, who is an artist of the anime’s manga adaptation.
The first preview of Dragon Ball Super series was shown on television on June 14, 2015. In the following day, the main advertising image for the series was incorporated into the official site and disclosed two new characters.
Dragon Ball Super follows the encounters of Goku during the time skip between the episode 288 and episode 289 of Dragon Ball Z. originally, the series reiterates the happenings of Dragon Ball Z in the battle of gods and Resurrection F’ for its initial two arcs. Even though there are some differences, many of the predominant story points are similar.
There are numerous best and secure means to access all the episodes and watch Dragon Ball Super online. The legal means are provided below so you can enjoy your series with no worry.
This is an online video streaming platform that provides numerous shows such as dragon ball super. It is a leading international platform and destination for Japanese anime and all Asian content. Crunchyroll is the best place to watch your series since it is easily accessed on its websites, by its mobile apps for Android, iPhone, iPad and Windows phone.
You can also access the services of Crunchyroll in your Kindle, PlayStation, Apple TV, Internet Enabled TVs, Roku and Nintendo WiiU. Once you sign up, you will enjoy a free usage for a limited duration. This includes a paid service of $6 monthly subscription from which you are offered with unlimited usage of everything available on Crunchyroll.
This is one of the best video streaming platforms that is dedicated to anime content only, and it directly simulcast from Japan. Currently, 303 shows are available to watch on AnimeLab, and it offers its services in Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.
They offer a free service for a limited duration. However, you can upgrade to the premium membership to get access to their library to enjoy their services. It has a user-friendly interface in their websites, and it is accessible through Android, Apple TV, iOS, and PlayStation.
This is a licensed and certified website that circulate Japanese anime content to the world. The website was created by anime to create awareness of anime around the globe. Daisuki is currently the only website that you can get all the anime content, and it displays all the anime series in HD. For this reason, the website helps you to watch your series in high resolution. They offer free services for a limited duration to try some of your interesting series such as dragon ball super. You can decide to sign up for the premium membership so that you can enjoy your Dragon Ball super with no interruption.